You don’t need Kegels to strengthen your Pelvic Floor
Other muscle groups that contribute to a strong and healthy pelvic floor include glutes, hamstrings, quads, abs, and lower back muscles.
Let’s Try This: Cat/Cow for your Pelvic Floor
Thinking about opening and closing the base of the pelvis between the Ischial Tuberosities (the bony parts that you sit on) helps both lengthen and strengthen your pelvic floor.
Pelvic Floor Feedback
Talk around Pelvic Floor (PF) most often revolves around tightening, but being able to relax is just as important. Chronically tight PF muscles can lead to constipation, painful sex, and difficulty urinating.
Try This: Breathe in 360 Degrees
As it turns out this is absolutely 100% completely the wrong thing to do. In order for our inhale the have all of the calming effects claimed by every Yogi out there, we need to expand our diaphragm.
My New Yoga Space!!!
I finally have a dedicated yoga space that isn’t next to the lawn mower, or in the middle of my living room!