Let’s Try This: Child’s Pose, but Different

This is one of those variations that either feels really amazing or just meh. In typical child’s pose the feet and knees are evenly aligned. The thighs may be wide or closer together depending on comfort and anatomy, but rarely are they uneven or internally rotated.

Variation One: Uneven Child’s Pose

Make your way to kneeling so you’re sitting on your heels or a block. Slide one knee back a few inches so your knees and feet are no longer lined up and your hips are slightly tilted. Your thighs can be any width that feels comfortable. I prefer to keep them closer together. Now relax forward into your Child’s Pose. Take a few big, expansive breaths and see how that feels. Keep your knees where they are and walk your hands to one side, then the other. Go slow and spend as much time as feels good. When you’re ready, make your way back to kneeling and shift your knees in the other direction.

Variation Two: Internally Rotated Child’s Pose

This time you’ll start in table top, you might wish to have a block between your feet. Draw your knees together and your feet out, they will probably be a bit wider than your hips.. Now start to rock back, shifting your your hips to the space between your heels. They may not land all the way on the ground or your block. That’s ok. As you inhale, feel the space between your sit bones widen. This variation can help lengthen and relax the pelvic floor. Stay here for a few breaths, focusing on relaxing and opening the pelvic floor.


Gripping Vs. Engaging


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