Try This: Sphinx Crunches
Crunches have gotten a bad rap recently. Like almost everything, they have their time and place, but they will not magically get you a six-pack. There are a lot of other muscles involved in a strong core, and its important to not neglect them.
I like this variation of crunches because your are moving your spine from extension to a more neutral spine (something that’s pretty common in yoga), and starting on your belly allows the floor to give you feedback. You also go from engaged and supported to more engaged and active.
Sphinx Crunches
Start in Sphinx Pose. You can slide your elbows in so they are under your shoulders, or farther away from you so you have less of a back bend. This is an active shape: reach your toes long, engage your thigh muscles, press into the floor with your forearms, and open your shoulders as you reach your heart forward. Engage your abdomen from pubic bone to sternum.
On your exhale, imagine you’re strongly wrapping your belly in a hug. Draw your low ribs in so they are aligned with your hips, tuck your chin and round your upper back.
On your inhale, return to your starting position.
Let me know what you think in the comments below.