Active Rib Mobilization
For active rib mobilization, I’m asking you to actively engage or move to both build strength and mobility. These can be deceptively hard work and tend to highlight muscles we don’t normally think about.
Active Twist
Lay on one side with your knees and hips at 90 degrees. Have a pillow or blanket under your head so your neck is neutral.
Take a big expansive inhale, on your exhale, wrap your belly in a hug, engaging from pubic bone to sternum. Keep this engagement and keep breathing.
Bring the hand of your top arm behind your head and twist. Keeping your abdomen engaged. The twist should be coming from your mid-back. Your low back, spine, and pelvis should be anchored in a neutral position by your strong abdominal engagement. Keep breathing. Let your inhale expand the top corner of your chest.
Active Breath
Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Let your shoulders feel nice and relaxed. Place your hands on your low ribs. On your inhale, expand your rib cage into your hands, and into the floor beneath you. As you exhale, rap your belly in a hug. Repeat about five times.
Active Tabletop
This is the exact same action as Active breath (above), but from table top. Keep your wrists under your shoulders and knees under hip.s. As you inhale, expand your rib cage, especially along the spine. Exhale, wrap your belly in a hug. Repeat about 5 times.
Almost Thread the Needle
Start in a strong table top. Belly wrapped in a hug and breathing expansively. Place your the back of your right hand on the ground. Take a big expansive inhale. On your exhale, twist your rib cage and slide your right hand behind your left. Inhale back to center. Repeat 5 times, then move to the other side. The goal is to keep the pelvis stable, so the twist may feel quite a bit smaller than normal thread the needle.