Building on Sphinx Crunches: Focus on Chest Opening

If you haven’t already, check out the previous post on Sphinx crunches. For this movement, we’ll be doing the same action from a seated position with a focus on chest opening. You may want a strap or belt for this variation

Seated Chest Opener

Make your way to any comfortable seat. You can sit on a chair, the floor, kneeling, whatever feels good.

Take a big expansive inhale and reach your arms up to the sky. As you exhale, draw your elbows down and lift your chest so you come in to a small backbend.

Let your arms come all the way down to your sides. Either interlace your hands behind your low back, or hold a strap between your hands. Stay here for a few breaths, really focusing on expanding your upper chest across the collar bones on your inhale.

When you’re ready to come out, keep your hands interlaced, wrap your belly in a strong hug, and reset your rib cage over your hips so you have a neutral spine. Your hands are still behind your back. This may increase the stretch across your collar bones.

If you can’t make it all the way back to a neutral spine with your hands behind your back, adjust your grip on the strap.


Passive Rib Mobilization


Try This: Sphinx Crunches