The Algorithm is Infiltrating my Dreams
Thinking about the rabbit that got away, not the slope of a line.
I recently had a dream combing my worst nightmare and my new knitting obsession. I was trying to figure out a sweater pattern. I think I was writing it myself? Anyway, I was really struggling, because in order to solve whatever problem I was dealing with I needed to solve y=mx+b.
WHAT?!?!?! The algorithm is conspiring with math anxiety to haunt me. I never solved it (which variable was I solving for???), but I did wake up stressed out. Upon reviewing my dream, I do wonder if this formula will be necessary. Finding the slope of a line is something you may need to do in sweater construction? Right? I bet there’s an app that can do that for me.
At some point during mindless scrolling I came across a math instructor solving for x. I was also reading a book on knitting sweater construction. And clearly my brain was working on all of these things and the algorithm weaseled its way into my sleep.
I don’t appreciate how deeply the algorithm is infiltrating my life. Why can it haunt me with basic math problems, but it can’t learn that i’m extremely not interested in sports and I do not wish to see anything related to football?
I have no deeper yogic lesson to offer from this, except maybe to reduce mindless scrolling.
Sweet Dreams