A Personal Pet Peeve: Cueing to “drop the belly”
I prefer, “Roll your shoulders down and back, lift your heart, lift your tailbone”
Can We Make this Less Complicated: Training Dogs and Training Humans
And of course, I made things way too complicated to start out.
Re-Think It: “Belly-Button to Your Spine”
Try this instead: Take a big expansive inhale, and on your exhale engage your abdomen from the bottom up.
Can we make this less complicated?
Hi! It’s me. I’m a chronic over-complicator and over-thinker. I tie myself in knots jumping to the most complex and unlikely scenarios and then wonder why I always feel over-whelmed and stuck.
Teacher’s Corner: Cueing for Accuracy and Inspiration
Communication only works if the person receiving it understands what you’re saying.